Comprehensive Guide to Picket Fences

For those considering upgrading the appearance of your home, a wood picket fence remains a timeless selection. From its historical roots, this type of fence has evolved to suit contemporary homes, yet maintaining its appeal.

Why Choose a Picket Fence?

Wood Picket Fence Installations

The picket fence delivers numerous benefits, which makes it a preferred choice for a lot of people. Not only does it add aesthetic value to your property, but it also provides privacy for safety.

Types of Picket Fences

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The market offers various picket fencing options on the market, with each offering its own individual qualities. To illustrate:

  • Cedar wood picket fence – Popular due to lasting long, their resistance to rot, and attractive appearance.

  • Dog-Eared Picket Fence – Recognizable by rounded edges, offering a unique design to your fence.

  • Tall Picket Fence – Ideal for keeping things private, yet still maintaining the traditional picket fence look.

  • Short Picket Fence – Ideal for bordering gardens, while not obstructing scenic sights.

How to Install a Picket Fence?

Installing a picket fence can look overwhelming, but with proper guidance, you can do it without much trouble. Here's a basic guide:

  1. Measure and mark your area where the fence will go. This will ensure accuracy before you begin.

  2. Next, dig the holes for the fence posts with a post digger, typically 6 to 8 feet apart.

  3. Place the posts securely to provide support. Wait for the concrete to cure fully before you continue.

  4. Install the horizontal rails to the upright posts with nails or screws. The rails will hold the individual pickets in place.

  5. Nail or screw the pickets to the fence rails, ensuring equal spacing. Ensure you're using the correct nails – many prefer coated nails to avoid corrosion. If you're wondering "what size nails for fence pickets?", popular choices include 1-1/2 inch to 2 inches based on the thickness of the wood used.

Maintaining Your Picket Fence

To ensure your picket fence, you should perform regular maintenance. Here are some tips:

  • Regularly inspect the fence for any wear and tear, especially after storms.

  • Wash the fence to get rid of dirt and debris, with soapy water and a non-abrasive brush.

  • Repaint or stain every few years to preserve the wood from the elements.

  • Fix or replace broken pickets immediately to ensure the fence's structural integrity.

Where to Get Your Picket Fence Supplies?

In need of premium picket fence materials, you'll find various sources at your disposal. Consider home improvement shops to dedicated fence suppliers, as well as e-commerce websites.

Consider browsing through home improvement magazines for more options. Search for the latest editions highlight trending fence styles and installation guides. Looking for the best picket fence magazines? These are commonly found in bookstores, or you can subscribe via the official websites.

In Summary

The picket fence continues to be a beloved choice for those wanting to enhance their home. Whether you like the durability of cedar wood, or just want a classic white picket fence, you'll find a version to match your style. Remember to consider maintenance when planning your fence installation for lasting enjoyment.


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